Procrastination Coach

This Free Webinar Reveals...

The 7-Step Framework for Sticking to Your Commitments 

And Getting Things Done


Tuesday, July 16th 

8:30 PM EST

5:30 PM PST

Join in the LIVE training and discussion Reserve Your Spot Now!

This Webinar Starts In


This Free Webinar Will Show You:

How to convert your overwhelm to direct action on your most important to-do list items and projects.

The mindset strategies you need to make sure you stay in action consistently.

How to create a clear system of priorities for yourself and to create extra time for yourself in the process!

These 7 steps will show help you get from feeling frazzled to feeling accomplished and on top of your most important and most desired activities. 

Make sure you register to get reminder notifications before the webinar goes live on Tuesday, July 16th at 8:30 pm ET!

-- Dr. Christine Li, Procrastination Coach